Sunday, March 2, 2008

When Favorite Blogs Die

Way back before I knew what a blog was I happened upon Beatknits a site about knitting. I loved the way the blogger posted tons of pictures of her knitting projects but mostly I loved the pictures and the day to day happenings of her life with her children. In the beginning she was a prolific blogger, every day she posted and every day I read. This went on for about 2 years then she started to post less and less as the children grew older and became more involved with outside activities, then she hardly posted at all and then the fateful day she posted and said farewell and closed the blog forever. I felt like someone had died, I still do. Now another favorite Good Yarns has gone on haitius, she says she will be back in the summer but I am sad none the less. It's amazing how attached you can become to people you have never met and how you look forward to reading what they have to say about their lives and their projects and then they are gone. It's a sad thing here in Bingaland. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh! I had no idea you were reading my blog! Well, I'm glad you commented at mine and I can now add your blog to my bloglines. Thanks for the warm welcome back. :o)